White is the colours’ perfume, a fragrance that can be ruthlessly aggressive during use, while being the sweetest of floral notes. It is a glare, which you can never become indifferent to, it is the brazen colour of modesty just like all white surfaces, this space too was born from minimal cuts, which generate a ‘box’ ready to accommodate any type of object as if it were an exhibition space, or rather the canvas of a picture yet to be painted. The main volume immediately stimulated the creation of a double volume that would enhance the high openings that allow light from the inner garden to filter into the flat. In the centre of this area, colours almost seem to live in the tension of appearing, of showing themselves to the guest; thus the iconic Bubble sofa almost seems to appear out of nowhere in an elegant Klein blue, which makes the room read as if it were the sky of an ‘upside-down’ world.

Loft Mannelli